Why Let's Play Music?

It's FUN!

Children learn most effectively when they are playing! If you were to peek in on a Let’s Play Music class, you would see jumping, singing, skipping, storytelling, and laughing! Music educators have long taught that the young child learns best through play, experience and discovery. As musical concepts and skills are presented in a playful, joyful setting, children absorb knowledge and ability.

Full Body Movement:
Children learn best by just doing. Lessons are structured with minimal talking and explaining which leaves plenty of time for playing, dancing and singing! Research has shown that the more physically involved a child is in the learning process, the more he/she will internalize the concept. That’s why we involve as much of the body as possible. i.e., the voice, the eyes, the ears, the hands, and even the full body.

Group Interaction:
Children are much more likely to enjoy the setting when there are other children around. The synergy of a Let’s Play Music class naturally encourages children to participate and to excel.

Use Music to Teach Music:
It has been well documented that we recall information better when it is set to melody. (How did we all learn our ABC’s?) It seems obvious that if music is used to teach other subjects, we might as well use it to teach music! Let’s Play Music contains over 25 original songs and games specifically designed to teach musical concepts. We learn staff relationships, intervals, key signatures, chord inversions and much more all in song lyrics!

Music Makes Smarter Kids:

Researchers, teachers and parents are discovering that music education promotes:
  • Excellence in math
  • Increased ability to read
  • Enhanced brain functioning
  • Decreased learning and discipline problems
  • Better social skills
  • Superior communication skills

The LPM Philosophy:
Let’s Play Music teaches that music is fun by introducing music as a total experience, and then teaches the musical symbolization of that experience. It includes the best concepts from Dalcroze, Orff, Kodaly and others. The concepts used to teach the student beat, rhythm and note value are incredible. They are so fun, the learner will never forget! Let’s Play Music has its strongest roots in the Kodaly philosophies, which have been proven as the best comprehensive training in rhythm, solfege, sight-singing, listening, writing, performing, and creating.

***all information straight from the corporate LPM website.  Visit the website for even more great information - it's on the link list on the right!

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